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  1. 1. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/01/08(Fri) 02:52:40 ID:adb88cc0f            ★コメ返信★


  2. 2. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/01/08(Fri) 03:02:36 ID:de4f46b4d            ★コメ返信★

    宇宙世紀のビームが実は縮退済(メガ粒子=縮退ミノ粉)なのでただの金属粒子を使った荷電粒子砲でしかないCEのビーム兵器が水鉄砲でしかない 小口径でもメガ粒子砲弾いてる装甲持ちの機体は何発喰らってもノーダメ

  3. 3. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/01/08(Fri) 03:17:49 ID:11d27040c            ★コメ返信★


  4. 4. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/01/08(Fri) 03:32:16 ID:9fe9a7c78            ★コメ返信★



  5. 5. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/01/08(Fri) 03:42:33 ID:9ba48df41            ★コメ返信★


  6. 6. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/01/08(Fri) 06:35:36 ID:e0e03962f            ★コメ返信★


  7. 7. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/01/08(Fri) 07:15:13 ID:5e1644efc            ★コメ返信★


  8. 8. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/01/08(Fri) 07:16:12 ID:2eab4b08f            ★コメ返信★


  9. 9. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/01/08(Fri) 07:31:54 ID:daa53a558            ★コメ返信★


  10. 10. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/01/08(Fri) 07:36:56 ID:b8a0f72c1            ★コメ返信★


  11. 11. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/01/08(Fri) 08:04:55 ID:7963c8d0c            ★コメ返信★



  12. 12. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/01/08(Fri) 08:20:57 ID:5c1904c57            ★コメ返信★


  13. 13. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/01/08(Fri) 10:14:42 ID:08892942d            ★コメ返信★



  14. 14. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/01/08(Fri) 10:30:45 ID:0c5268279            ★コメ返信★


  15. 15. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/01/08(Fri) 10:33:55 ID:e305475e8            ★コメ返信★


  16. 16. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/01/08(Fri) 14:01:39 ID:22b192c88            ★コメ返信★


  17. 17. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/01/08(Fri) 14:05:28 ID:fae67196b            ★コメ返信★


  18. 18. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/01/08(Fri) 16:57:05 ID:e604116de            ★コメ返信★





  19. 19. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/01/08(Fri) 17:21:55 ID:be686ea08            ★コメ返信★


  20. 20. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/01/08(Fri) 19:33:54 ID:e0e03962f            ★コメ返信★


  21. 21. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/01/08(Fri) 19:52:51 ID:230ce2f4a            ★コメ返信★


  22. 22. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/01/08(Fri) 22:04:34 ID:91c1b4506            ★コメ返信★



  23. 23. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/01/09(Sat) 10:49:59 ID:4e44925e3            ★コメ返信★


  24. 24. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/01/09(Sat) 11:29:37 ID:7ec828795            ★コメ返信★


  25. 25. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/01/09(Sat) 11:56:03 ID:68be25d0b            ★コメ返信★


  26. 26. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/01/09(Sat) 13:35:01 ID:3fb601ee9            ★コメ返信★


  27. 27. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/01/10(Sun) 20:26:53 ID:0d09fc364            ★コメ返信★


  28. 28. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/01/13(Wed) 03:00:41 ID:748393340            ★コメ返信★



  29. 29. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/01/14(Thu) 19:51:45 ID:23449d779            ★コメ返信★


  30. 30. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/01/15(Fri) 04:57:13 ID:c19869d3d            ★コメ返信★


  31. 31. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/01/21(Thu) 18:31:45 ID:d6acbe903            ★コメ返信★


  32. 32. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/01/22(Fri) 01:27:00 ID:447c1f543            ★コメ返信★


  33. 33. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/01/22(Fri) 09:47:59 ID:b3ce03942            ★コメ返信★


  34. 34. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/01/28(Thu) 03:08:30 ID:a5ad4ff56            ★コメ返信★

    飛行可能な事が絶対的なアドバンテージになるならZAFTはディンばっか作ってればいいしソードやランチャーと選択制の換装機なんて生まれないよね? フォースインパとガイアは互角だろ?
    ガンダム界隈で飛行可能=高性能 って理屈が往々にしてまかり通るのは宇宙世紀内で小型化以降の機体が高性能化の結果飛行能力を獲得したからであって

    それは嘘 ほぼ無限なのは持久力の話であって瞬発力は有限

  35. 35. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/01/30(Sat) 00:20:22 ID:28fc28d0f            ★コメ返信★


  36. 36. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/01/31(Sun) 01:17:27 ID:ab9432330            ★コメ返信★

    そのオカルトを断片的にも扱えるのが宇宙世紀だろ? それを外せって言うのはハンデが過ぎるわ。

  37. 37. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/02/06(Sat) 17:45:01 ID:c7fb5912b            ★コメ返信★


  38. 38. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/02/07(Sun) 08:37:12 ID:405f6c319            ★コメ返信★


  39. 39. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/02/08(Mon) 12:48:34 ID:43d562a5c            ★コメ返信★


  40. 40. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/02/08(Mon) 16:18:39 ID:a4c61f228            ★コメ返信★


  41. 41. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/02/28(Sun) 20:53:54 ID:911aace66            ★コメ返信★


  42. 42. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/03/26(Fri) 18:15:33 ID:931008ec0            ★コメ返信★


  43. 43. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/04/07(Wed) 15:00:32 ID:e48e3f20a            ★コメ返信★


  44. 44. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/09/06(Mon) 13:51:05 ID:3064a5fe3            ★コメ返信★


  45. 45. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/09/06(Mon) 14:00:20 ID:3064a5fe3            ★コメ返信★


  46. 46. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2021/09/24(Fri) 18:48:55 ID:2650e0f5f            ★コメ返信★


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    (ew\U5v;) こんにちは、私はウクライナから来ました。私は移転オプションを探しています。あなたが私を助けたいのなら、ここに私の写真とビデオがあります: >>>ujeb.se/WPRc5K

  48. 48. 名前:匿名 投稿日:2022/06/02(Thu) 20:48:10 ID:b1a946329            ★コメ返信★


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  50. 50. 名前:جامعة المستقبل 投稿日:2023/01/01(Sun) 10:18:32 ID:2b3e238c0            ★コメ返信★

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  53. 53. 名前:fue 投稿日:2023/01/10(Tue) 14:30:48 ID:bfd8f7137            ★コメ返信★


    […]one of our visitors a short while ago proposed the following website[…]

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  55. 55. 名前:fue 投稿日:2023/01/12(Thu) 15:28:48 ID:f064ae803            ★コメ返信★


    […]here are some links to sites that we link to for the reason that we believe they are worth visiting[…]

  56. 56. 名前:Lila Lovely 投稿日:2023/01/13(Fri) 11:12:48 ID:82b472829            ★コメ返信★

    Lila Lovely

    […]always a massive fan of linking to bloggers that I really like but really don’t get a good deal of link love from[…]

  57. 57. 名前:premium-domains 投稿日:2023/01/14(Sat) 18:07:24 ID:aa2a9db0a            ★コメ返信★


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  58. 58. 名前:Assignment Writing 投稿日:2023/01/15(Sun) 06:37:00 ID:7d9aa1c82            ★コメ返信★

    Assignment Writing

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  60. 60. 名前:Click Here 投稿日:2023/02/04(Sat) 17:46:05 ID:5a57d7726            ★コメ返信★

    Click Here

    […]Here are a number of the web-sites we advocate for our visitors[…]

  61. 61. 名前:Click Here 投稿日:2023/02/06(Mon) 03:38:21 ID:2a6d587b6            ★コメ返信★

    Click Here

    […]one of our guests not too long ago advised the following website[…]

  62. 62. 名前:Click Here 投稿日:2023/02/06(Mon) 07:08:02 ID:56ea73d7c            ★コメ返信★

    Click Here

    […]please take a look at the sites we follow, like this one, as it represents our picks through the web[…]

  63. 63. 名前:Click Here 投稿日:2023/02/07(Tue) 00:17:10 ID:6d437c0b4            ★コメ返信★

    Click Here

    […]please check out the web pages we comply with, like this 1, as it represents our picks in the web[…]

  64. 64. 名前:Click Here 投稿日:2023/02/08(Wed) 12:02:16 ID:e6030d4aa            ★コメ返信★

    Click Here

    […]check below, are some entirely unrelated web sites to ours, having said that, they may be most trustworthy sources that we use[…]

  65. 65. 名前:Space ROS 投稿日:2023/02/09(Thu) 09:10:14 ID:38811115b            ★コメ返信★

    Space ROS

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  66. 66. 名前:Click Here 投稿日:2023/02/14(Tue) 23:01:45 ID:dd5ff3d5a            ★コメ返信★

    Click Here

    […]we came across a cool web-site that you simply may love. Take a search in case you want[…]

  67. 67. 名前:Click Here 投稿日:2023/02/16(Thu) 13:08:39 ID:9a2bd439e            ★コメ返信★

    Click Here

    […]although web sites we backlink to below are considerably not connected to ours, we really feel they are basically worth a go through, so have a look[…]

  68. 68. 名前:Click Here 投稿日:2023/02/18(Sat) 13:20:25 ID:6d54938a4            ★コメ返信★

    Click Here

    […]below you’ll discover the link to some websites that we believe you ought to visit[…]

  69. 69. 名前:Click Here 投稿日:2023/02/19(Sun) 17:31:17 ID:c81e590da            ★コメ返信★

    Click Here

    […]the time to study or go to the content or web pages we’ve linked to beneath the[…]

  70. 70. 名前:Click Here 投稿日:2023/02/23(Thu) 06:13:54 ID:866e94579            ★コメ返信★

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    […]we came across a cool web-site that you just may possibly get pleasure from. Take a appear should you want[…]

  71. 71. 名前:Click Here 投稿日:2023/02/24(Fri) 10:03:16 ID:02bc8f3f9            ★コメ返信★

    Click Here

    […]one of our visitors lately proposed the following website[…]

  72. 72. 名前:Click Here 投稿日:2023/02/24(Fri) 10:58:50 ID:5ed240954            ★コメ返信★

    Click Here

    […]we came across a cool website that you simply may well enjoy. Take a search if you want[…]

  73. 73. 名前:Click Here 投稿日:2023/02/24(Fri) 19:54:16 ID:8d7579573            ★コメ返信★

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    […]please take a look at the web pages we stick to, such as this one, as it represents our picks through the web[…]

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  79. 79. 名前:obituaries 投稿日:2023/03/23(Thu) 08:35:56 ID:79f31f880            ★コメ返信★


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  80. 80. 名前:100 percent winning tips 投稿日:2023/04/01(Sat) 17:54:26 ID:cf19b48f4            ★コメ返信★

    100 percent winning tips

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  81. 81. 名前:National Chi Nan University 投稿日:2023/04/04(Tue) 12:30:06 ID:6af7dcb8a            ★コメ返信★

    National Chi Nan University

    […]that may be the end of this article. Here you will discover some web pages that we believe you will value, just click the hyperlinks over[…]

  82. 82. 名前:ما هي افضل الكليات الخاصه في مصر 投稿日:2023/04/20(Thu) 17:09:48 ID:36a065c3a            ★コメ返信★

    ما هي افضل الكليات الخاصه في مصر

    […]Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine a few unrelated information, nonetheless definitely worth taking a look, whoa did a single study about Mid East has got additional problerms as well […]

  83. 83. 名前:Bachelor degrees in MIS 投稿日:2023/06/04(Sun) 01:44:23 ID:d01ac404e            ★コメ返信★

    Bachelor degrees in MIS

    […]one of our guests just lately suggested the following website[…]

  84. 84. 名前:public administration degree 投稿日:2023/06/04(Sun) 17:00:05 ID:9b143c0af            ★コメ返信★

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    […]we prefer to honor a lot of other internet web sites on the internet, even though they aren’t linked to us, by linking to them. Underneath are some webpages worth checking out[…]

  85. 85. 名前:Undergraduate programs at future university 投稿日:2023/06/04(Sun) 17:24:20 ID:cc2d9f1c1            ★コメ返信★

    Undergraduate programs at future university

    […]Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine a number of unrelated data, nevertheless truly really worth taking a appear, whoa did 1 study about Mid East has got much more problerms as well […]

  86. 86. 名前:Healthcare products 投稿日:2023/06/05(Mon) 00:06:02 ID:7e829a567            ★コメ返信★

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    […]although websites we backlink to below are considerably not associated to ours, we really feel they may be really really worth a go by way of, so have a look[…]

  87. 87. 名前:https://www.kooky.domains/post/the-basics-of-web3-domains-for-business-use 投稿日:2023/07/15(Sat) 23:26:43 ID:e6c910701            ★コメ返信★


    […]Every once in a though we pick blogs that we read. Listed below would be the most current web pages that we choose […]

  88. 88. 名前:https://www.kooky.domains/post/transferring-ownership-of-a-web3-domain 投稿日:2023/07/16(Sun) 01:45:59 ID:08cadec5c            ★コメ返信★


    […]very couple of internet sites that take place to become in depth below, from our point of view are undoubtedly nicely really worth checking out[…]

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  90. 90. 名前:Dentistry master's degree duration 投稿日:2023/07/28(Fri) 03:45:34 ID:715b7fa23            ★コメ返信★

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